Enter the phone number you want to restrict, then press OK.
Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each number you want to add to the list.
This network service lets you restrict the calls your phone can make and
receive. Check with your service provider for details.
Note: When calls are restricted, calls may be possible to certain
emergency numbers in some networks (such as 911 or other
official emergency number).
Turn on call restrictions
Press Menu 4-7-2 (Settings > Security settings > Call restrictions).
Scroll through the types of calls you can restrict, and press Select
when you see the one you want.
Outgoing calls: Calls cannot be made.
International calls: Calls cannot be made to foreign countries.
International except to home country: When abroad, calls can be
made only within the current country and to your home country (that
is, the country where your home network operator is located).