Nokia PC Suite 158
Nokia website 159
number types 46
PC Connectivity 158
PC Suite 158
Content Copier 158
download 159
instructions 158
PC Composer 158
PC Graphics 158
PC/PDA connectivity guide 158
Phone editor 158
transfer graphics from PC to
phone 158
transfer phone book info 158
antenna 12
care and maintenance 168
carrying case 31
certification information 166
frequency bands 177
operating voltage 177
radio frequency signals 166
transmitting power 177
turn on 21
phone book
add entries 46
add entry 34
display entries 48
menu 44
options 49
primary numbers 51
search 48
phone label 8
phone security

[ 203 ]
security code 116
phone size 177
phone usage and hearing aids 162
phone usage and medical devices
phone usage and vehicles 162
phone weight 177
picture messages
modifying 87
sending with text 86
viewing 87
PIN 2 code 118
PIN code
changing 118
PIN code request 117
play MIDI tone 92
power button
location 21
predictive text input 38
add word 39
example 38
language support 38
shortcuts 40
turn off 38
turn on 38
use keys 40
primary number
assigning 51
copying 52
handsfree 96
car kit 98
for accessories 96
list of 94
loopset 98
selecting 94
PUK codes 119
how to enter 35